Jean-Claude Guédon
- Professeur honoraire
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de littératures et de langues du monde
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Jean-Claude Guédon earned his PhD in History of Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1974, with a thesis on chemistry in the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert. His main fields of interest have to do with digitization of culture: the relationships between text and technology, cyberculture, electronic publishing and digital libraries. He is also interested in the cultural, legal, linguistic and social consequences of the Internet. In addition, he has been involved in the issues of free access to research, open archives and open-source software. The questions of distributed intelligence and "phonemic" individuality intrigue him. He has authored three books: La planète cyber. L'Internet et le cyberespace, in the Gallimard "Découvertes" collection (Paris, 1996), a widely read book that has been translated into Italian and was republished in 2000 under the title Internet. Le monde en réseau; Per la pubblicità del sapere (Pisa, Italy, Pisa University Press, 2004); and Open Access. Contro gli oligopoli nel sapere (Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2009). In 1996, he was one of three winners of the Prix international Charles-Hélou pour la francophonie, in recognition of his essay entitled Penser la différence différemment : la francophonie et les réseaux. Every year, he speaks at about twenty events all over the world on the above subjects.
Areas of Expertise
- Adaptation and Insertion Conditions
- Ideological, Political, Economical and Social Environments of Social Transformations
- New Technology and Social Impacts
- Dynamics of Social Transformations
- Trends and Indicators
- Social Networks
- Social Contexts
- Impacts of New Information Technologies
- Employment and New Technologies
- Archival Policies
- Software (Tools)
Student supervision Expand all Collapse all
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M.A.
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Research projects Expand all Collapse all
Sens Public Projet de recherche au Canada / 2015 - 2018
ARCHIVER A L'EPOQUE DU NUMERIQUE Projet de recherche au Canada / 2011 - 2015
Publications Expand all Collapse all
- 1996 : Penser la différence différemment : la francophonie et les réseaux
- 1996 : La planète cyber. L’Internet et le cyberespace, éditions Gallimard, collection « Découvertes Gallimard / Sciences et techniques » (no 280).
- 1998 : « Comment informatiser intelligemment les écoles », Québec science (en ligne: [archive]).
- 2000 : Internet. Le monde en réseau (deuxième édition de la Planète cyber)
- (en)2001 : In Oldenburg's Long Shadow : Librarians, Research Scientists, Publishers, and the Control of Scientific Publishing. Version française (2009) : A l'ombre d'Oldenburg : Bibliothécaires, chercheurs scientifiques, maisons d'édition et le contrôle des publications scientifiques ( [archive])
- 2014 : « Le libre accès et la Grande Conversation scientifique », in Pratiques de l'édition numérique, Michael E. Sinatra et Marcello Vitali-Rosati (dir.), collection Parcours Numériques, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2014, 224 p. (ISBN 978-2-7606-3202-8) lire en ligne [archive]
Additional Information
Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques
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